Any recommendation or advice expressed by Bushfire Consulting Services Pty Ltd is made in good faith and in accordance with the relevant legislation for bushfire prone development in New South Wales. Bushfire Consulting Services Pty Ltd will endeavour to ensure that all information provided is correct. However, many factors outside our current knowledge or control affect the recipient’s needs and project plans.
Bushfire Consulting Services Pty Ltd does not warrant or represent that our advice is free from error or omissions and does not accept liability for any errors or omissions. Changes to available information, legislation and schedules are made on an ongoing basis and readers should obtain up to date information. To the fullest extent possible Bushfire Consulting Services Pty Ltd excludes any express or implied warranty as to condition, fitness, merchantability or suitability of our advice and limits its liability for direct or consequential loss at Bushfire Consulting Services Pty Ltd option to re-supplying our document/advice or the cost of correcting the document. In no event shall Bushfire Consulting Services Pty Ltd responses to questions or any other information be deemed to be incorporated into any legally binding agreement without the express written consent of the Managing Director of Bushfire Consulting Services Pty Ltd.
It should be borne in mind that the measures recommended by us cannot guarantee that a building will survive a bushfire event on every occasion. This is due to the degree of vegetation management, the unpredictable behaviour of bushfires and extreme weather conditions. As such, Bushfire Consulting Services Pty Ltd is not liable to any person for any damage or loss whatsoever which has occurred or may occur in relation to the person taking action or not taking action based on the recommendations of our advice.