Our Services

Do you need to know where each Bushfire Attack Level is located on your land? We use the best quality GIS mapping system combined with the latest available aerial mapping to project the BALs across the land. A very useful tool if you have a choice of location for your building on the site, or environmental constraints to work with.

Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment

If you are thinking of purchasing vacant land and would like a feasibility study to help identify development options, we can provide an assessment of the BAL.

This report provides an assessment in relation to the future development options on the lot itself. A building envelope can be provided to show where best to locate the development where there is a choice of positions. This information can be critical if you are thinking of increasing the occupancy level on the land or subdividing, or any other development type that has a limit on the Bushfire Attack Level. Did you know that granny flats are limited to BAL 29?

Our advice is aimed at minimising the BAL as well as providing certainty prior to your purchase.


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